River People Health Center Dental program is a leading edge Dental program in which more current services in oral health care will be offered to our patients. The goal is to provide the best oral health care in a compassionate and supportive environment while upholding the tribal spiritual beliefs for present and future generations.
Dental Program Services
Removable dentures, Removable partials, night guards, crowns. Missing and extracted (removed) teeth are replaced with artificial teeth (dentures/partials), and crowns.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment for this service the patient will have to have a current exam on file. Unless the patient has a broken denture than they would utilize RPHC Dental same day walk-in. All federally recognized tribes are eligible for this service.
Root canal treatment (RCT) is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment for this service the patient will need a current exam on file. All federally recognized tribes are eligible for this service.
Tooth colored filling material is placed where decay was removed and a white filling material fills the space to restore the tooth structure.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment for this service a current exam will need to be on file. All federally recognized tribes are eligible for this service.
Tooth extractions/orthodontic extractions for established patients. An extraction means to have a tooth removed, usually because of disease, trauma or crowding in the mouth. No implant services offered at this time.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment for this service the patient will need a current exam on file. All federally recognized tribes are eligible for this service.
Services including routine cleanings, sealants, fluoride application and treatment for gum disease.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment for this service the patient will need a current exam on file. All federally recognized tribes are eligible for this service.
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a clear liquid that can be used to help prevent cavities from growing, particularly in children.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment for this service the patient will need a current exam on file. All federally recognized tribes are eligible for this service.
Same day walk in will be treated the same day to get patient out of pain and may take more than one visit depending on what is diagnosed.
Contact RPHC Dental 480-278-7742, check RPHC website or call the dental department. To schedule an appointment patients will physically come to the RPHC Dental clinic to get a same day appointment Monday –Friday 8am -3pm. All federally recognized tribes are eligible to be seen at the dental clinic.
Dental Program Providers
I grew up on the Northern Cheyenne reservation, home town is Lame Deer, Montana. Studied microbiology and medical technology in undergraduate school. Graduate school was leadership at Gonzaga then, Public Health at University of North Carolina, Doctorate from Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health as the as the first class.
Born and raised in Northern California where I completed my undergraduate education in Biological Sciences at California State University of Sacramento. Moved to Glendale, AZ to attend graduate school at Midwestern University where I completed my Master’s in Biomedical Sciences and then received a four year Health Professions Scholarship from the Indian Health Service to attend dental school and receive a Doctorate in Dental Medicine.
From northern AZ and Northern UT, enrolled member of Navajo Nation. Graduated from UNLV school of Dental Medicine 2018, and worked/lived in Arizona since graduating. Free time enjoy playing golf and spending time with my family.
Dr. Angeles completed her undergraduate degree at the University of California, Irvine, majoring in Biology. After graduation, she decided to begin dental school at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health in Mesa, AZ, where she received a scholarship from the National Health Service Corps. There, she graduated at the top of her class and is part of the prestigious Omicron Kappa Upsilon dental honor society.
Is originally from Seattle, WA. She received her doctorate from the College of Dental Medicine at Midwestern University here in Glendale, AZ. She has worked as an associate dentist with different private dental practices in Arizona, and is excited to be serving SRPMIC.
I graduated from ATSU, Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health with a DMD and a master’s degree in Public Health from ATSU, school of Health Science. I am original from Seattle Washington and love spending time with my cats and dogs.
Schedule an Appointment
To schedule an appointment for dental exam, call 480-278-RPHC (7742)
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